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Dwellers Compendium

Adventurer Preview
Hob Gob
Phylum: humanoid
Size: medium
Frequency: uncommon
No. Appearing: 1-3

vulnerable to arcane, resistant to pierce
high defense
Hob Gob
Even the most formidable Dwellers in this humble compendium are less intimidating when you know which meat pie you're biting into, as the saying goes. Not so with the Hob Gobs, who are perhaps the most terrifying because they are absolute batsquirt crazy. There is nothing predictable about them besides their bloodlust and complete lack of fear. They have nothing to lose, which means you have everything to lose. Avoid their enormous hammerblades (a not great sign on its own), and don't even try to get through their armor - a stout magical attack is your best hope.