Adventurer Preview

Dwellers Compendium

Adventurer Preview
Jel Cube
Phylum: ooze
Size: large
Frequency: epic
No. Appearing: 1

resistant to pierce
inflicts held, poison
Jel Cube
Now here is a quandary. I am generally of the mind that all creatures magical and otherwise have some sort of REASON for existing. Ordinary flora and fauna have found and adapted to their environs based on their predators and prey; magical and mythical figures exist from either the folly of mortals, the sorcery of the wicked, or to fill voids of power, magic or divinity. So, assuming all that, what in the nine hells is the jel cube doing here? It's a cube (!) of glue (!!) but also... vindictive somehow (!!?). Mayhaps everything I know is wrong. It's enough to make me want to turn in my staff and call it a day.